George Lopez

We had the honor of providing light design for George Lopez visiting Detroit.

Working with George’s touring team we were able to make a wonderful opening light effect for the opening scene. The team requested that we start a black stage with a single Leko Special off-center stage with a tight sharp beam to imitate a streat light effect.

Gorge would have an opening track play as he would wander around through the dark as if he where looking for something. as he came to the light the lighting would change and his main look for the show would proceed.

George also brought his signature mariachi band and an opening act requiring different looks. The band was the first thing patrons were greeted with as they took their seats. This sequence included ambers, reds, and yellows with medium-speed moving lights. providing an upbeat mood.

As guests took there the opening act was featured with a red stage wash. This contrasted the main look for George being a right blue.