Audio Mixer Upgrade

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger. A great theme song by Daft Punk to them many of the renovations / upgrades / and installations services that Luma Detroit provided.

Today’s Audio Mixer Upgrade includes assisting a good friend and respected sound engineer Derrick Holmes of D & G Sound. New Providence Baptist Church has made the decision to convert to all digital sound.

Their original audio mixer an Allen & Heath GL2800 is being upgraded to an Allen & Heath SQ7. With a digital snake option. Many advantages will be had once this installation is complete. One of the most important features of a digital mixer is the ability to create and instantaneously recall scenes.

This Audio Mixer Upgrade enables engineers like Derrick the ability to perfectly tune the system and get it to sound its best. Then save all the changes in what’s called a scene, even if a new user makes an error.

All the settings and changes that Derrick made can be “recalled”. As if nothing had ever happened.

This new mixer also gives the added benefit of saving a lot of tabletop space being only a third the size of its predecessor. Plus removing the need for 3 large racks of equipment not shown in the pictures.

These racks of equipment had additional equipment necessary for the original mixer to work. The new digital mixer adds so many features and benefits that it would fill many multiple blog posts to explain and list.

But key features are the ability to control the mixer from any part of the room remotely by wireless tablet. The ability to record to a USB flash drive and make a multichannel recording. With many effects and peripheral functions.

Digital is the way of the future and it is a tremendous improvement in features, complexity, and reliability.